MAGNETIC FIELDS Select Party 3rd - 4th Feb 1990 ----------------------------------------------- Hammer,Judge Drokk,and myself (Mr-Big) arrived in Doncaster at around 4pm. We expected to be at a big hall when we arrived but it was just an ordinary house.As we walked towards the door we could hear lots of noise from inside. we knocked and all was silent,the door opened and we were greeted by a familiar face, it was Frap of M.F. and he said "oh no, its Anarchy !" at that point the noise level started to pick up again.We were now in a medium sized living room,packed to the rafters with people. There must have been 60 people in this small box. We pushed our way through to a clearing and started to set our gear up, (which was kindly brought along by Mnemonic of the Untouchables) all around there were people who I recognised.Well who was actually there : Oracle, Paradox UK, Acme, Acidforce, Illusions UK, Inner City, Mercenary, and of course Magnetic Fields. The entrance fee to this party was only a quid (reasonable) and beer and soft drinks were available at the bar. Food was ordered from the local Pizza Hut and was promptly delivered. At around 8pm at lot of guys had cleared out, this gave us a chance to copy all the latest cracks,which had been down- loaded all day by a good mate of mine 'Annialator of Oracle'. Things were beginning to slow down now, we were putting our finishing touches to our party demo which was the entry for the competition. All around there were bodies trying to get some kip. The demo and music competition were not until 2pm on Sunday so we all crashed out until 8am Sunday morning. Sunday 4th ---------- Well what can I say, we woke up fucking freezing.Judge Drokk had tried to get some sleep in Hammer's car, but just couldn't get off due to the fact it was around minus 10 outside. Inside however, things were starting to warm up, Annialator had just downloaded a few more cracks, and everyone got copies of our party demo, and our new chip music disk. At around 1:30pm Number Five and Opal arrived to judge the demo and music entries. the winners were:- Demo - Party demo by Anarchy(Kreator) Music - Jam Session by Anarchy(4-Mat) Verdict ------- Not bad for a first attempt, you can learn a lot from your first copy party.You can impress everyone and get a good name for your group, or it can turn out shit ( like the Maffia one in wales ) and get a bad name for your group. The entrance fee was cheap and food and drink was available at a price. Well done to Magnetic Fields, lets hope the next one you have is in a bigger place,but is just as much fun to attend.